New roof with nesting places
Living space for swifts
When the roof and façade of the Belvedere were renewed in 2018, the focus was on insulation and thus reducing heating costs and emissions. But the renovation of the roof also had another benefit and that was for wildlife.
In many renovations of house roofs, the insulation is logically improved in order to reduce heat loss and thus heating costs and the consumption of raw materials for heating. Before the renovation, many of the older buildings offered swifts shelter and a place to build their nests in the roof beams and on projections. For swifts, which only breed in rocks or buildings, these were the perfect hiding places. Due to increased renovations of the old buildings, these nesting places are no longer available. Therefore, during the work on the roof of the Hotel Belvedere, special nesting boxes were installed in the cavities. From the outside, only small holes are visible, while in the wooden box, the swifts can incubate and raise their offspring.