Social commitment
Training contribution in Bhutan
In the BELVEDERE HOTEL FAMILY, by consuming tap water, you support the «Bhutan Middle Management Hotel Programme (BMMHP)» training programme in Bhutan, which aims to train well-qualified middle management professionals for the ever-growing and extremely important tourism sector in Bhutan. Half of the price of a carafe of water literally goes to this vocational training project. And it pours!
The project is based on a public-private partnership between the HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich (Zurich University of Applied Sciences), the Royal Institute for Tourism and Hospitality (RITH) and the BELVEDERE HOTEL FAMILY. It is mainly financed by the lottery fund of the Canton of Zurich. In recent years, the BELVEDERE HOTEL FAMILY has already invited the three best graduates of the hotel programme to an internship in Scuol three times. The BMMHP courses take place in the off-season months for two years.
We are also supporting Namgay Dem, a young Buthanese woman who is studying at the National Institute for Education (NIE) in Paro/Bhutan to obtain her teaching qualification as a Dzongkha teacher. Dzongkha is the national language in Bhutan.